The Jerah planting scheme in the Ochil Hills, on the borders of Stirlingshire, Perthshire and Clackmannanshire, has won the coveted James Jones & Sons trophy for best new commercial forest scheme in Scotland’s Finest Woods Awards.

The scheme, which is one of the largest single forestry planting projects in the UK, was planted and is managed by Tilhill Forestry.The site, which had previously been used for sheep grazing, has been planted with 1.3 million trees comprising 16 different species with 30% of the site being amenity woodland.

In making the award the judges commented:

"This high quality scheme is the product of intuitive design, effective consultation and exemplary silvicultural practice. Four hundred hectares of well establishing commercial forest is very welcome at the industry level especially when it is integrated with a network of well-connected environmental planting and an extensive area of imaginatively managed open space.

Efforts to inform and work with the local community are commendable and have been very successful. In addition to the commercial gains this scheme has significantly enhanced the recreational and environmental assets of this historic location.

As a result, the judge’s recommendation is that Jerah be awarded the James Jones Trophy for New Commercial Woodlands."

The award was announced and presented at the recent Royal Highland Show at Ingliston, near Edinburgh.

Jo O'Hara of Forestry Commission Scotland presents the James Jones Trophy at Scotland's Finest Woods Awards

Jo O'Hara, Head of Forestry Commission Scotland, presents Darrell Boult of Tilhill Forestry with the James Jones & Sons trophy

David Leslie of James Jones & Sons with Darrell Boult of Tilhill Forestry


David Leslie of James Jones & Sons with Darrell Boult