As a business James Jones & Sons Ltd is committed to:

  • The continuous improvement of our environmental performance through the progressive implementation of the international Environmental Management Systems (EMS) ISO 14001. We will ensure that the system is communicated, implemented and maintained at all levels within the company and will encourage the use of EMS by our suppliers, contractors and customers, where appropriate.
  • The development of meaningful environmental performance and evaluation procedures. Environmental priorities are reviewed on an ongoing basis by the Board and all employees.
  • The prevention of pollution via the control of all harvesting, production and related processes and the utilisation of best available technologies where possible.
  • The environmental assessment of new development proposals and major process alterations to ensure the prevention of pollution and compliance with the stated aims of the environmental policy.
  • Ensuring that all timbers used are derived from sustainable sources and that sustainability can be verified by internationally accepted means.
  • Ensuring that the use of energy is minimised and reviewed to enable environmental improvement where possible.
  • Waste minimisation and the recycling of materials wherever possible.
  • Providing all employees with appropriate ongoing training to ensure individual and company environmental responsibilities are managed competently and enable any concerns or suggestions for improvement to be acted on.
  • Providing accurate environmental information and advice to our suppliers, contractors and customers and the variety of timber related associations to which we subscribe and participate in. In particular, we aim to ensure that specifiers of timber products are able to make accurate and informed judgements regarding environmental performance in comparison to competing products, such as using Life Cycle Assessments.
  • Ensuring that our environmental policy and objectives are available to the public on request and that requests for additional environmental information or advice are dealt with in a courteous and efficient manner.

Gender Pay Reporting JJSL 2023(263.94 KB)

Gender Pay Reporting JJPPL 2023(272.08 KB)

GDPR Privacy Statement - Customers & Suppliers(196.65 KB)

GDPR Privacy Statement - Job Applicants JJSL(38.88 KB)

James Jones & Sons Ltd Modern Slavery Statement 2024.pdf(138.69 KB)

James Jones & Sons Ltd Pension Scheme Statement of Investment Principles.pdf(527.06 KB)

GDPR Privacy Statement - Job Applicants JJPPL(39.21 KB)

Anti Bribery Policy JJSL 2024.pdf(3.30 MB)

GDPR privacy notice Job Applicants(38.88 KB)

Corporpate Social Responsibility Statement JJSL 2023.pdf(214.25 KB)

JJPPL Corp Social Responsibility Statement 2023 FV.pdf(182.27 KB)

Tax Strategy Document(232.88 KB)

JJSL Signed Accounts(2.68 MB)